Vision System from

Machine Vision System - diVision AB


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Machine Vision System for the industry from diVision AB

Vision system (DV-2), machine vision and vision robotics. Robot vision with machine vision technology for robot guidance. Automatic inspection with inspection systems. Optical inspection techniques with PC-based visionsystem. Smarter than vision sensor s(smart camera and vision sensor).
Vision-system applications can be quality control, robot guidance, measurement of area, diameter etc, automatic identification, reading texts and numbers, object recognition, surface inspection, verification, counting, sorting, gauging, gauge, inspect, identify objects.
The visionsystem are more robust then standard pattern recognition systems.

High accuracy with DV-2 (DV2) machine vision system from diVision AB.   Integrators of Visionsystem. Flexibility, automation, technology, with vision systems technology. Consultant and professional system integrator of machine vision projects.
LED lighting (illumination) and image capture - acquisition for the vision system, image analysis. Frame grabber and CCD cameras monochrome or color, standard, high resolution,embedded CCIR, PAL, RS-170, Video signal with vision machine (camera-based inspection systems) and machine vision system software that are powerful and economically ( cost effective) and gives higher quality, better productivity,
No need of image processing tools and expensive LED light. Standard cameras (camera), frame grabber (digitizer), lenses, digital I/O. Good diagnostic and logging. Easy installation, training, and configuration for the operator. Communication also via serial communication with PLC, robotics and intelligent automation products etc. Not very sensitive for light variations. PC-based visionsystem with highest performance and simple and easy to use.
Manufacturing, molding, assembling, machining, measurements, automatic measuring. Application engineering and system integration, industrial experience, vision software expertise,  industrial automation. Automated inspection for assembly line and
Accuracy,  faultless products, standardized visionsystems (OEM), accurate product and quality control.  Images, analysis, sequence, automatic vision system.  Also customized vision system solutions.
Robot vision with full rotation and high speed. Machine vision with latest imaging and vision technologies.
VISION-SYSTEM for production manufacturing and packaging industry,  pharmaceutical , paper mill, chocolate, cookies, metal, molding, plastic, dedicated machines, welding, semiconductor, electronic, identify defects.
Contact - diVision AB, Travbanegatan 9, 213 77 Malmoe, +4640-140089.

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